
98th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting

By Bob Morris
December 4, 2017

Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER) is proud to announce its important contributions to the upcoming 98th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting in Austin the week of January 7, 2018. AER researchers across a number of weather-related disciplines, along with co-authors at other top research institutions, will present their work in the poster and oral papers listed below (AER authors in bold type), including research in advanced data assimilation, radiative transfer modeling, environmental remote sensing, algorithm and ground system development, and numerical weather prediction.

American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2017

By Bob Morris
December 1, 2017

Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc (AER) is pleased to announce its participation in the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans the week of December 11. AER researchers across a number of geophysical disciplines, along with co-authors at other top research institutions, will present their work in the poster and oral papers listed below (AER authors in bold type), including research in flood mapping, physical oceanography, seasonal forecasting and climate, environmental remote sensing, air quality, and greenhouse gas transport, modeling, and monitoring.

AER Statement on Climate Change

By Guy Seeley
June 7, 2017

At AER, we have been deeply engaged for decades in advancing many aspects of the fundamental scientific understanding of weather and climate. Our work is widely known as a definitive set of methods for evaluating the radiative properties of current and future atmospheres, and these methods are used every day in the world’s major weather forecast centers.

AER to present at IMAGE 2017 conference

By Karl Pfeiffer
June 1, 2017

AER will present results from ongoing research in supporting Department of Defense modeling and simulation at the IMAGE 2017 conference in Dayton, OH, 27-28 Jun.

97th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting

By Bob Morris
January 20, 2017

97th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting Bob Morris, January 20, 2017

NPR Sea Level Rise Interview

By Christopher Piecuch
December 9, 2016

AER's Dr. Christopher Piecuch was recently interviewed by NPR on the topic of his sea-level rise research. The full interview can be experienced here:

NASA features AER research on sea level changes

By Christopher Piecuch
August 15, 2016

Sea level changes are a matter of serious concern for coastal communities, effecting recurrent flooding, beach erosion, saltwater intrusion, and wetland loss. Therefore, understanding the causes of past sea level changes, in order to more confidently predict sea level changes in the future, has been a major goal in climate science.

Are you ready for the next generation GEO MetSats?

By David Hogan
February 25, 2016

A revolution in geosynchronous meteorological satellite (GEO MetSat) capability is just beginning. 2015 saw the transition to operations of the Japanese Himawari H8 satellite, hosting as a primary instrument the Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI). Soon to follow are US satellites in the GOES-R series with a very similar instrument, the Advanced Baseline Imager – launches beginning in late 2016. And after that MetSats will be launched hosting instruments with similar capabilities from Korea (GEO-KOMPSAT) and Europe (EUMETSAT’s Meteosat Third Generation series).

AER Leads Research Initiative to Provide More Comprehensive View of Future Coastal Floods

By Chris Little
September 21, 2015

AER scientist Chris Little led the development of an innovative, broadly applicable methodology for analyzing future coastal floods. The research was published today in Nature Climate Change. "The newly developed technique is a significant contribution because it provides a more comprehensive view of the future coastal flood hazard, in which changes are summarized using a fully probabilistic flood index. The combines approaches to quantify both changes in storminess and increases in the baseline sea level."

AER Introduces the Algorithm Workbench at the 2015 NOAA Satellite Conference

By Scott Zaccheo
May 12, 2015

I recently returned from the 2015 NOAA Satellite Conference, a widely attended international conference sponsored by NOAA's National Satellite and Information Service (NESDIS). It was exciting to spend a full week interacting with an internationally diverse set of environmental satellite data users, scientists and algorithm/software developers, all interested in current and future NOAA programs and products.