
AER experts share their knowledge on weather-related perils

April 12, 2013

To assist insurance carriers and restoration service providers with resilience to weather-related perils, experts from Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER), will present a web seminar on:

Climate Change Business Journal Awards AER for Renewable Power Innovations

By Brenda Kelly
March 6, 2013

AER will be awarded with the Business Achievement Award in the in low carbon and renewable power category at the 2012 Environmental Business Journal awards March 6-8, 2013.

FireLine highlighted by NASA as an outstanding commercial application of Landsat data

By Arindam Samanta
February 14, 2013

FireLine TM was highlighted as an outstanding commercial application that uses Landsat data, during a Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) pre-launch press conference. ( Video link ) FireLine, powered by AER technology, is the insurance industry's leading wildfire risk solution covering millions of properties in 10 western states. Verisk Analytics business unit, AER, develops FireLine using...

NSF highlights AER research on trends in flooding risk

By Ross Hoffman
February 5, 2013

SuperStorm Sandy was a vivid reminder that hurricane damage is not only wind damage and that surge damage can be devastating and life threatening. In part supported by NSF, I led a collaboration with AIR-Worldwide and Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to study how hurricane surge risk to property might change in the future both as a result of changes to sea level and of changes to hurricane tracks and intensities.

Superstorm Sandy Assessment at Extreme Weather Risk Management Congress

By Brenda Kelly
January 23, 2013

Kyle Beatty joins 3 hurricane impact experts from Verisk Analytics in a special session at the Extreme Weather Insurance Risk Management Congress (EWRM) today in NYC “Superstorm Sandy Post Event Assessment: Assessing The Optimal Decision Making Tools For Managing Catastrophic Weather Events: Addressing Weather Prediction, Modeling Challenges, Claims Analysis And Impact Estimates.”

AER's Polar Vortex Forecast has Star Debut at AMS Annual Meeting in Austin

By Judah Cohen
January 16, 2013

Justin Jones and I spoke at the AMS annual conference in Austin Texas, as well as many others from AER. Justin presented on tropospheric precursors and stratospheric warmings while I argued that predictability of the winter forecast based on the scientific current state of knowledge is limited to October.

AER research 3rd most cited article in JGR history

By Eli Mlawer
January 10, 2013

One of the most important ways that scientists communicate the results of their research is through papers published in professional journals. One of the more influential journals in atmospheric science is the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (JGR), published by the American Geophysical Union. Over its many decades of operation, JGR has published some of the most cited and authoritative research papers in the field and, consequently, has an extremely high ranking in the ISI Journal Citation Reports ©.

AER at AMS – See you in Austin

By Ron Isaacs
January 3, 2013

Dear Colleagues: We look forward to seeing you at AMS Annual Meeting and hope you'll take a moment to stop by one of our technical presentations.

Sea ice was definitely “hot”, Dr. Judah Cohen of AER reflects on AGU'12

By Judah Cohen
December 13, 2012

I was not planning on attending AGU this fall in San Francisco but then received two invited talks; one on climate prediction and the other on how warming of the Arctic is impacting weather in the midlatitudes. Talks are very hard to come by at AGU, with 22,000 participants, so two invited talks seemed like an opportunity not to be squandered.

AER at American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2012

By Ross Hoffman
December 3, 2012

AER Scientists have 35 topics/sessions accepted to the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, December 3-7, 2012 in San Francisco, CA. Topics AER scientists will speak on through the week are: