
Variability and Changes of Unfrozen Soils below Snowpack

By Judah Cohen
March 14, 2022

VERISK AER Science | March 14, 2022

An Improved Ocean Surface Albedo Computational Scheme: Structure and Performance

By Eli Mlawer
February 28, 2022

VERISK AER Science | February 28, 2022

The January 22 Blizzard METSAT Analysis

By Robert P. d'Entremont & Ryan B. Aschbrenner
February 9, 2022

  Southeast New England endured blizzard conditions as a powerful storm developed off of Cape Hatteras and moved northeastward Friday night and into Saturday 27-28 January 2022.  Known within media outlets as Winter Storm Kenan , snowfall amounts in Rhode Island and eastern Massachusetts were generally in the 12-24 inch range, with local amounts approaching 30 inches just northwest of the Cape...

The HITRAN2020 Molecular Spectroscopic Database

By Eli Mlawer
February 8, 2022

VERISK AER Science | February 8, 2022

Is THIS the Real Reason Weather is Getting Wilder?

By PBS Terra
January 31, 2022

VERISK AER Climate and Weather | January 31, 2021

COVID-19 Lockdowns Afford the First Satellite-Based Confirmation That Vehicles Are an Under-recognized Source of Urban NH3 Pollution in Los Angeles

By Karen Cady-Pereira
January 19, 2022

In a recent peer-reviewed study, a team including AER Principal Scientist Karen Cady-Pereira showed that COVID-19 lockdowns provide a unique opportunity for making the first satellite-based constraints on vehicle NH3 emissions for an entire urban region (western Los Angeles), which they found made up 60−95% of total NH3 emissions, substantially higher than the values of 13−22% in state and...