Andy Revkin highlights AER's winter season forecast skill plus the research behind the prediction in the post "The Far North and Wintry Weather" on his DotEarth blog for the New York Times today.
In late December, Revkin's blog post set a challenge for our forecast. The result? We passed the test with flying colors! AER was the only firm to accurately predict the cold winter of 2010-2011. His post today compares AER's forecast against the temperature variations that actually did occur this past winter.
Exploring the question "whether high latitude snowfall shapes winter weather farther south", Revkin revisits the science of predicting how cold the winter will be and highlights AER research on the "link between autumn snow cover in Siberia and winter conditions on this continent".
So, if you're interested to learn more about the AER winter seasonal temperature forecast used by energy investors and traders to assess potential energy demand, visit overviews of the sCast seasonal forecast service and the science research behind it on the AER website. Or download the sCast Seasonal Forecast brochure. Atmospheric and Environmental Research AER, Inc.