The research conducted by Ross Hoffman about redirecting Hurricanes is still being run through computer scenrios at Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) highlighted in this article.
Atmospheric and Environmental Reasearch's theory of Siberian snow cover, versus Britain's Mereorological Office's theory based of sea-surface temperatures in the Atlantic. "Let the best crystal ball win."
The oceans' heating will shave instants off the day.
In the Wall Street Journal Business Section, Atmospheric and Environmental Research is featured on improving forecasts of Winter weather season.
AER awarded Outstanding Supplier award for outstanding performance and teamwork by Northrup Grumman.
Can hurricanes and other severe tropical storms be moderated or deflected? The research, indirectly funded by NASA's Institute for Advanced Concepts, examines the feasibility and potential approaches to alter hurricanes was lead by Ross Hoffman, Ph.D., chief scientist at AER, and other AER colleagues.