AER, Inc. Releases Two New Forecast Services

Lexington, Massachusetts – AER, Inc. announced the release of two forecast services designed specifically for Power Marketers. sCast, a powerful suite of seasonal forecasts, and eCast, a 4-10 day weather forecast for over sixty US cities. These two forecast services deliver the very information that the Power Marketing community needs to make both the short-term and the long-term decisions on power consumption and future energy needs.

Available for the past three years to businesses and government clients, sCast has provided overwhelming results for a large investment house in a major metropolitan area. Offering highly accurate, regionally detailed, seasonal outlooks in an easy-to-understand format, sCast promises to be a valuable tool for Power Marketers. Based on a unique combination of initialization schemes as inputs to its climate model, sCast’s final forecast is produced after thorough analysis by seasoned professional forecasters led by Dr. Judah Cohen using techniques developed by him, and others at AER, over the last decade. In a comparison of ten seasons, sCast achieved an 83% agreement during the winter months with observed conditions as compared with 28% from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center (CPC). Notably, sCast was the only seasonal forecast that predicted last year’s colder than normal temperatures for the eastern half of the US -- and it made the call early.

For those interested in planning for weather impacts over the next 4-10 days, eCast offers not only the maximum and minimum temperatures but also assigns a confidence value to the forecast. Driven by ensemble forecasting, the latest technology, eCast is the first web-based service in the US to harness the power of over 3,000 discreet forecasts per city into a simple, easy-to-read, amazingly accurate, web-based table.

“We are so confident of the results of both of these services that we publish the observed data for verification purposes as soon as it is available so our customers can feel comfortable that they are getting the information they need”, stated Maria Pirone, Vice President for Commercial Division at AER.

About AER:
Founded in 1977, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. is an award-winning environmental research and consulting company with demonstrated expertise in numerical weather prediction, remote sensing, satellite meteorology, climate dynamics and radiation, circulation diagnostics, atmospheric chemistry, air quality and risk assessment, planetary sciences, and systems engineering. In addition to its Lexington, MA headquarters, AER has offices in Omaha, NE, and San Francisco, CA. For more information visit our web site at


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