Infrared Radiative Transfer in Cloudy Atmospheres and Retrieval Applications

Type: Journal Article

Venue: Fourier Transform Spectroscopy/ Hyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment


J. Moncet, R. d'Entremont, D. Mitchell, G. Uymin, R. Aschbrenner, and A. Lipton, " Infrared Radiative Transfer in Cloudy Atmospheres and Retrieval Applications," in Fourier Transform Spectroscopy/ Hyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment, OSA Technical Digest Series (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2007), paper HThA1.

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The Optimum Spectral Sampling method for fast and accurate radiative transfer has been enhanced for speed in clear atmospheres and extended to cloudy atmospheres. Applications to retrieval of cloud properties from infrared measurements are described.